Street Media Ventures "Traveling back through space and time, the origins of house music would appear to be quite humble. From the ashes of disco and the early days of dance, a new uptempo sound began to evolve. Despite initial doubt about its popularity and potential, it soon became evident that house music would not only survive but prosper. The reason? Regional twists on the basic house formula - simultaneous developments in New York and Chicago lead to expansion to all corners of the globe, with every stop on the way adding to or subtracting from the house mix. Equipped with your exclusive Streetsound House Explorer's Guide, you'll be able to trace all the action, from the early underground days to the present, where house records of all shapes and styles proliferate on the charts."--from Streetsound Explorer's Guide To House, 1st edition Three years later, three editions down the road, the Explorer's Guide to House is bigger and most definitely better. This time around, you're invited not only to look but to LISTEN, as we equip you with samples of key cuts, located at crucial points along the winding trails. You're set for a fully audio-interactive ride. Enjoy the trip to: Copyright 1996 Street Media Ventures Inc. |